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Wednesday 21 October 2015

Review: Waiting For Columbus

Waiting For Columbus Waiting For Columbus by Thomas Trofimuk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Author: Thomas Trofimuk
Published: 03/09/2010
Recommended for: fans of historical fiction/romance

When I started reading this book it immediately caught hold of my attention and just wouldn't let it go at all! This book was extremely addictive I just wouldn't put the book down. This is the first book that I have read by this author and it really showed how amazingly talented the writer is.
This book is set in an insane asylum (which is what first drew me into this book), where there is a man who is claiming that he is Christopher Colombus, and is taken care by a caring nurse called Consuela. It is a very intriguing book to read and it is very easy to get wrapped upto it as you hear 'Christoper Colombus' telling his life story, you look forward to reading more of what he believes is happening in his life. It shows a nice caring side of the nurses that worked in insane asylum at that time.
All of the characters are very vividly described and they make the book all that bit more exciting and realistic. The author has done an amazing job in describing the characters, the setting in such a way that it makes the reader feel like you are actually there. I also loved how the author manages to tie up all of the loose ends so that it nicely finishes the book. The character of Consuela was my favourite one I found her easy to get along with and easy to read about, she was a character that could easily have been a real people, her feelings toward 'Christopher Colombus' are totally believable and relatable. A truly excellent read and one that I could happily read over and over again without getting tired of it.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a very complex story that you thoroughly enjoyed and would be a good read.
